
News from Malawi, Africa

Dear Bishop,

Greetings from Malawi in the name of our Lord and Savior King Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for your prayers that have made this second trip possible. We are back home safely! Praise the Lord!

Mission Accomplishments

Team Efforts and Achievements:
Because of your prayers and support, we were able to visit all 21 villages, including 8 new villages, sharing the Good News of our Lord and Savior. We introduced Bible studies in the new villages we visited and witnessed God’s hand caring for us. In our team, only Pastor Size and Sister Shina experienced some stomach problems due to the water we were using. May God continue blessing you for all you do in His Kingdom.

Spiritual Impact:
God has been faithful on this trip. We were able to show the Jesus movie in all 21 villages, and He has used us in many ways. We have seen 504 people receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior for the first time, many renewed their faith, and many were delivered from different bondages. We are amazed to witness this with our own eyes.

Blessing the Children:
We had some children’s books and blessed many with coloring books. It was heartwarming to see children in these remote areas own a Christian book.

Future Plans

Upcoming Trip:
We are now resting and hope to leave again, God willing, on July 12, 2024, for 21 villages in an Islamic region. Five of these 21 villages will be new to us. Once again, thank you so much for all your prayers and support that have made all these achievements possible.

Blessings and Gratitude:
Enock and the Team

May God continue to bless you abundantly.

Groups studying the Word of God

Donation of Christian and Coloring books

Providing leaders with Bible commentaries.